Self publishing a book? This explains 5 tips to grow your social media presence to help you promote and sell your book. Julie Broad explains the basics of using social media to help you build an audience for your self-published book.
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Transcript of 5 Social Media Tips for Book Authors video:
What should you do to build a profile and following on social media as an author?
A question that came in from one of my YouTube followers that we’re going to tackle right now.
Before you do anything you want to think about who is your audience so this is the answer to the question that you will hear a lot who did you write the book for or who are you writing the book for.
So, depending on who you’re writing the book for that will impact where you probably want to be online in terms of the social media channels because there are so many you can pick from plus you can even get down to things like Goodreads which has a book specific profiles so where do you want to find your car where are you going to find your ideal readers for your book LinkedIn Twitter Instagram Pinterest Facebook there’s so many to choose from.
So, first of all you want to know who you’re looking for and where they’re already hanging out once you’ve got that figured out pick a couple no more than two right now social media channels to focus on okay eventually you can add more but you’re diluting your efforts if you spread yourself over to many different profiles because how many profiles do you want to manage.
That’s the foundation from there – I’ve got five tips for you to help you grow a following and by the way if you’re in YouTube one of the things that I would love your help with is growing mine and all you have to do is subscribe to my videos okay so that’s.
Good content is not enough. You’re going to have to work really hard to create curiosity and engage with the people who are following you and tweeting to you are talking to you’re commenting on your posts alright seeing that you’re involved will help build that community and again good content is not enough be fun be engaging create curiosity create interest that’ll
go a long way.
Saying you’re the expert doesn’t make it so so ideally in social media because you’re creating curiosity because you’re creating great content you will hopefully create engaged followers who talk about how awesome you are but in the event that that’s not starting out that way showcase some of your finest points on social media give insights into current events that are applicable to your topic or share some little teasers of some of the cool advice and tips that are going to come out in your book so that other people are seeing your expertise versus having to just hear you say how much you know about a certain subject or have to read it in your profile about how
awesome you are right.
I think this one’s a really big one focus on quality not quantity okay yeah you know what there’s a lot of people who have 50,000 followers but do they really but because there’s an awful lot
of bots out there there’s an awful lot of fake people fake accounts fake things where somebody might have paid to have all these followers all these friends all these whatever’s right so are they real so engagement is more important.
Quality people who are engaging who like your content way more important than a bunch of fake followers.
Once your book is published resist the urge to sell it and talk about it all the time promote other authors promote some things that are cool that you see out there share little tidbits share pictures there’s nothing that makes me unfollow unsubscribe unfriend dislike you more than constantly selling whatever it is that you have to sell and that’s all you’re saying you’re going to
get boring fast and people are going to stop paying attention to you.
When you choose your social media profile picture choose carefully to create something that has intrigued it’s not just about the beauty shot I mean you want to look professional you want to look friendly and approachable in most situations but think about the color think about what people see when all they see is these little tiny little tiny bitty profile pictures right how can you stand out in the sea of little bitty tiny pictures you know.