Increase Organic Traffic 300% With Schema Tags | Tyler Horvath
== Video Links ==
Google Structured Data Testing Tool:
Schema Plus for SEO:
Schema App Total Schema Markup:
I was able to increase one of my website’s organic traffic 300% in 2 months by installing optimized schema tags.
Hey There, my name is Tyler Horvath and in this video, I am going to show you how to set up Schema tags on your WordPress website.
Whether you are an e-commerce store, blog or software, you can get more organic traffic from Google by installing and setting up schema tags.
Schema tags, also known as: Structured Data, Schema Snippets, Rich Snippets, and schema markup refer to small bits of code you put on your website pages to give more relevant information to Search Engines.
In this video, I show you how to set up schema tags for any schema type and test the schema using the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.
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